Blastcap for

Blastcap supports an array of MongoDB features letting you deploy, manage, monitor and scale from a single interface.

Benefits of MariaDB on
Blastcap's sovereign DBaaS

Advanced topologies

Deploy synchronous Galera Clusters, High-Availability asynchronous clusters and proxies with the click of a button… in minutes.

Scheduled backups

Protect your databases with scheduled backups, or anytime on-demand and easily restore in one click.

Flexible sizing

Separately scale compute and storage database instance size to any level. Set vCPU’s, RAM, disk, and IOPS to any configuration you want.

Instant failover

Gain the ability to have automatic failover. If your ‘primary/master’ database fails, a MariaDB ‘replica/slave’ will automatically promoted to become the new ‘primary/master,’ and begin routing queries to it.


Anytime a node fails, or is unavailable, that node will automatically be detected and resolved. Backups and snapshots are continuously made and stored, and nodes are automatically restarted, restored, or re-created.

Session failover

MariaDB on Blastcap doesn’t just have automatic failover. With MaxScale, your nodes and clusters can fail over both database connections and active sessions, ensuring that mission-critical applications are not interrupted if a failover occurs.

Ready to get started?

Book a demo with us to see how easy it is to deploy Blastcap on your environment, and instantly be able to offer database services to your users.